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Profile for NishNash07
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Feb 11, 2007

Real name: Brittany Nash

- United States
State/Province: Oregon

Status: Single
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bisexual

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About me:
~Well to start out I am fun loving! I like to do crazy things and I love to smile. My personality is pretty much random, I love to confuse not only me but everyone else to! I am easy going, I like to kick it and have a couple of beers! I love to watch movies with tons of friends. Actually I love just hanging out with tons of friends, I like to meet new people and I am quite loud when I want to be. I make my self known.

Turn ons:
-great smile -amazing eyes -personality -someone taller than me

Turn offs:
-controlling people

wow, snowboarding, wakeboarding, swimming, fishing, cheerleading, haging out, having a great time, horsebackriding, bull shitting, driving around from Bend to Madras, hehe going to the porn shop to hang out with friends late at night! lol I know I know!

I admire:
Samantha Taylor, she lived, laughed, loved and we will never forget her! I love you Sammy Sue!!

Favorite movies:
Oh BOY!! -Step Up -Taking the Lead -Stick It -umm more but yea..

Favorite TV shows:
-Dancelife -Next -MTV pretty much -VH1 -Stars

Best feature:
My EYES! and my hair, but I kinda need to re-dye it! lol

Yes, my ears and my tongue!

not yet but will soon!

My friends
My photos

Voting Habits:

Average vote: 6.71       Total votes: 28

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