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Profile for crowther1234
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Jan 15, 2008

Real name: mike

- United States
State/Province: los angeles

Status: Single
Sex: Male
Age: 41
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
love the outdoors and anything to do with it. I love camping, fishing, hiking, gardening, and working on or around my house. I also make candles and enjoy giving them to people to enjoy them. I also love to work on my cars, I love to cook. I also believe that housework is not just womans work. I feel that we can share a house then that includes the maintenance of it and that does mean all that goes with it. Like doing the dishes, vacuuming and the washing of the clothes and the floors. So what do you say ladies, are any of you willing to have your other half help you with lifes daily chores. After all isnt that what a marriage is supposed to be like. So come on dont be shy write to me. lets see if you can put it together.

Turn ons:
i love that tell true always....

Turn offs:
i dont like some to tell me lier or cheat on me


I admire:
I am looking for that special some one to share my life with and allow me to share their life. I would like to find some one that likes to go summing, fishing, hiking, working around the house, spending time together, watching movies, sitting at home enjoying each other, a nice glass of wine and a fire. I love to be romantic as well and I am passionate and love to be intimate with that person. I also love going out to dinner on occasion and bringing you flowers for no reason at all.

Favorite movies:
easy listening music like jazz,country music

Favorite TV shows:
tell you later...

Best feature:
I would have to say my eyes are the best feature I have



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