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Profile for shannanr26
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Jun 18, 2008

Real name: shannan

- United States
State/Province: michigan

Status: Single
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
Hi,My name is Shannan Day.I was born in 1980. I am single with no kids. I work as a social worker for myself and for the government through Realty Agent a N.G.O to help kids and teenager with social and parental problem in various countries. I am single. I have got a Bachelor Degree in counseling and social work with option of occupational therapy,I am a multinational citizen.My father is clergy man.The tragic part of my story,is that devoting all my time to my career, left me alone without getting married for a while now.I was able to ignore this emptiness for a long time by working day and night, to avoid acknowledging the loneliness. But now, the longing is to much, and I need to love and be loved, to play with my children, to hold my lover, to be complete. I hope you understand what I mean. It is an incredible, overwhelming desire for me, and I am very serious about finding someone special to share my life with.

Turn ons:
cleanliness,loyality,honesty and faithfulnes

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I admire:
I am looking for someone who is beautiful inside.Who is affectionate, compassionate, kind, sweet, honest, loving, caring, playful, ......... someone who will fill my life with joy,

Favorite movies:
sleepless in seatle

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