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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Nov 04, 2007

Real name: Eileen

- United States
State/Province: AZ

Status: Single
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bisexual

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About me:
I have an identical twin who is 8 minutes younger than me. I am an animal rights advocate and I am a member of various animal welfare organizations, and have signed over 50 petitions on their behalf. I am a proud vegetarian and will never eat meat again. Art is another passion of mine, and films are like oxygen to me. I also am a huge bookworm.

Turn ons:
Intelligence, kindness, uniqueness, androgyny

Turn offs:
Cruelty, closed-mindedness, selfishness

Reading, watching/studying film, spending time with my cats, listening to music, dancing, hanging out with my twin, learning new things, playing piano.

I admire:
River Phoenix is my ultimate inspiration. He was the greatest actor that ever lived and an even greater person. I hope that one day I can make the world a better place as he did. He was an extraordinary soul, and beautiful inside and out.

Favorite movies:
My Own Private Idaho, E.T., Stand by Me, Running on Empty, Catch Me if you Can, Taxi Driver, Erin Brokovich, Donnie Darko, Peter Pan, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Shining, Empire of the Sun, Garden State, Velvet Goldmine, Monster, Mary Poppins, The Wedding Singer, Almost Famous, Moulin Rouge, The Santa Clause, Children Underground, Amelie, The 400 Blows, A Clockwork Orange, Back to the Future, Cabaret, American Graffiti.

Favorite TV shows:
Roswell reruns, Friends, Conan O'Brian, Saved by the Bell reruns, Married with Children, The Simpsons, Lost

Best feature:
I think my best feature is my compassion. Whenever I go swimming, I'll save the beetles or bugs I find even, because I have respect and love for all creatures, even if they are small.

I only have my ears pierced, but I am planning on piercing my navel once I turn 18.

Again, planning on getting some when I turn 18.

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