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Profile for xxprinceSSxx
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Jul 18, 2006

Real name: genna

- United Kingdom
State/Province: england

Status: Dating
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
well...i sunno wht to say im just total nutz..thats me...love to just catch jokes wif all my girlies...nuff love out to my lesbian lover jess...my bitch...im also mad in a good way and onways on a hype hype one...oh and by the way im really dumb and dippy...im so dumb on common sense its unbelieverable but it makes me laugh...my hubz says he peroxides gone to my head...oooppsss...typical blonde...but u no wht...i wudnt change ME for the world!!! love me or hate me....most ppl lovvvvve me yehhh xxx

Turn ons:
the only turn on is......oh yer baby....my hubz aint going into detail bit girls ud love im.trust me...damn...love u 4lyf buba xxxx

Turn offs:
ppl who love them selvs so much...i no someone like tht...and trust aint nuffin special...pisses me off...so self centred...all bout me! me! me!

having lots of sex wif my hubz!! michaels da man xxxxx and spending tyme wif him of course lol

I admire:
erm gotta be my mum...shes done evrything for me even if we are having a bad patch...shes always gonna be that hot mumma xxxxxxx love u xxxxxxx

Favorite movies:
ermmm damn 2 bloody many but number one will always be the lion king...braaaap its gangster

Favorite TV shows:
again 2 many to say...love my comedy braaaaap xxxxx

Best feature:
well my hubz tells me my belly...still tonning up...i got a really big bum my hubz loves it...proper blck girl style yesssss! all bout that i think i have nice eyes aswell..except when my lazy one is small hehe xxxxxxx

3 times on my ears...top ear done....nose and belly button done...getting my tongue done...just for u michael...hehe naughty naughty. xxxxxxx

nah gettin one on the bottom of my back....gonna look sheXXi xxxx

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Average vote: 10       Total votes: 6

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