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Profile for spyderviper
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Oct 31, 2006

Real name: SpyderViper

- United States
State/Province: IL

Status: Married
Sex: Male
Age: 41
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
Hi! Thanx for checkin' out my Page Profile.........I'm a married Guy who is Puerto Rican from Central Illinois but originally from New York City's Lower East Side of Manhattan is friendly, open-minded, witty along with a great sense of humor but knows when to get serious and is also un-inhibited and innovative.....from time to time I tend to be sarcastic, broad-minded, spontaneous and will ocassionally do things on impulse but overall I

Turn ons:
Turn-ons eh!? -lowers and raises his eyebrows- Purr! lol Anyways....Some of the turn-ons is how others present themselves and first impression, their character, personality and traits but most of all how witty, broad-minded and sense of humor with a little taste of sarcasm from time to time and body-language. -grinz-

Turn offs:
Mmmm-kay....some of my biggest turn-offs are those that carry way too much luggage, have soap operas in their lives that the news gets from bad to worse on a daily basis, drama kings and queens, those that whines again and again to get attention.....I mean sheesh! life's too short guys and gals.....enjoy it to the fullest.

Mmmmmm! -taps finger on lips as he thinx- I love 4-wheelin', mountain bike ridin', shoppin', hangin' out, chillin' here and there, meetin' new people from time to time and a variety of sports like baseball, football, volleyball.

I admire:
My Parents for their love and patience as they put alot of effort, time and energy in raisin' the family......May them rest in peace.

Favorite movies:
I enjoy all types of movies as long it keeps moi interested and focused otherwise I'm out of the room or door. -grinz-

Favorite TV shows:
I don't have any particular faves on TV as I hardly or rarely watch tv for long periods of time. lol

Best feature:
My character and personality

Both ears are pierced

I currently have 2 tattoos one on each arm and workin' on a scorpion tribal tattoo for my left arm.

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Voting Habits:

Average vote: 7.88       Total votes: 105

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