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Profile for sweetnshy4u
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Sep 03, 2005

Real name: Felicia

- United States
State/Province: Pennsylvania

Status: Single
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
I'm not anyone but me, speak my mind, i don't lie... lying gives you nothing but a big headache and drama, I'm ditzy [blonde at heart] lol, fun to be around, don't take anything serious unless i really have too, sometimes i'm too nice to ppl when i shouldn't be, and i'm a bitch to ppl when i shouldn't be. Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/17273296 YBX: http://www.youbeenx.com/profile.php?x=sweetnshy4u Anything else you wanna kno just msg me and ask.

Turn ons:
Tall guys, dark hair, light eyes, biting, nibbling, kisses, cuddling, teasing, piercings, tattoos, nice arms, sweet talkers, when guys bite their lower lip *drools*, big hands, HONESTY.

Turn offs:
Preps, cockiness, hairy guys, someone who can't take a joke, Tight clothes, excessive make up, wannabe's, skinny guys who look like they starve themselves, head games, alcoholics, drugs, LIARS.

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Favorite movies:
Too many.

Favorite TV shows:
Don't really watch too much tv. But when i do i usually watch Law and Order:SVU, Monk, the preview channel, infomercials

Best feature:

13 of them. 5 in each ear, 1 in my tongue, 1 in my nose and 1 in my belly button

1 on the back of my neck, 1 on my foot and 1 on my wrist

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Voting Habits:

Average vote: 6.59       Total votes: 29

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