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Profile for vannah1986
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Oct 28, 2007

Real name: savannah

- United States
State/Province: ohio

Status: Undecided
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
im a pretty fun person with a very positive attitude. Im a nice person and easy to get along with unless you really upset me, but that dosent happen too often lol im currently in a relationship at the moment, engaged actually, but im starting to wonder if he's the one for me, so thats why i'm here.

Turn ons:
adult films, lesbian adult films, sexy dirty talk, hardcore yet sentual love making

Turn offs:
body odor, terrible kissing, terrible sex, attitude, rudeness, unnatractive men

making candles, pottery, painting, interior design, computers, shopping, going to the drive in or movie theater

I admire:
most of all, my family, and this might sound wierd, but my daughter. she's helping me in a sence.

Favorite movies:
constantine, war of the worlds, the notebook, all 3 matrix's

Favorite TV shows:
desperate housewives, i mean i like other shows but DH is my all time fave, i wont miss that show for anything lol

Best feature:
my eyes, i get alot of compliments on my eyes. they say their gorgeous, mesmerizing, breathtaking lol but their just eyes.

tongue, ears, nose. i used to have my nipples and navel pierced but thats old news lol

one on my lower back, its a tribal that i designed myself with my daughters name above it, second which is on my left shoulder (on my back), its flowers, barbed wire on my right arm, and a butterfly on the back of my neck.

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