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adam Send Instant Message
03:14pm, Tue 26
growing old
An Arab family was considering putting their grandfather in
a nursing
home. Since most of the facilities were completely full,
they had to put
him in a Jewish home. After a few weeks in the Jewish
facility, they came
to visit Grandpa. "How do you like it here?" asks
the grandson.

"It's wonderful! Everyone here is so courteous and
respectful," says

"We're so happy for you. We were worried that this
was the wrong place for
you. You know, since you are a little different from

"Oh, no! Let me tell you about how wonderfully they
treat the residents
here" Grandpa says with a big smile.

"There's a musician here -- he's 85 years old.
He hasn't played the violin
in 20 years and everyone still calls him

"There is a judge in here -- he's 95 years old. He
hasn't been on the
bench in 30 years and everyone still calls him 'Your

"And there's a physician here -- 90 years! Old. He
hasn't been practicing
medicine for 25 years and everyone still calls him

"And what about you Grandpa" - asks the

"And me...., I haven't had sex for 35 years and
they still call me "The
fucking Arab!"

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adam Send Instant Message
Post #: 800
Message: [quote]
It's a joke people :-)

03:14pm, Tue 26

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