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n_veer136 Send Instant Message
05:18pm, Thu 08
Joke - Two Guys
Two guys were playing golf when the first one said, "I really need to take a crap...
"The second replied, "Well there's a tree, go behind it and do your stuff.
"The first guy looks over at the tree and comments, "But, I don't haveany
toliet paper."Being a witty fellow, the second man remarks, "You have a dollar
don't you? Just use it to wipe yourself." Reluctantly, the first guy goes and
does his stuff. Minutes later he comes back with crap all over him.The second
asks, "Damn, what happened? Didn't you use the dollar?""Hell yes, but have
you ever tried to wipe with three quarters, two dimes, and a nickel?"

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karmen Send Instant Message
Post #: 560
Message: [quote]
yuuuk.. lol... ewwww

06:34pm, Thu 08
boyslie Send Instant Message
Post #: 32
South Carolina
Message: [quote]
i guess poop isnt a fan of the girls

06:36pm, Thu 08

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