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adam Send Instant Message
02:20pm, Wed 13
georgia v russia.. what should US do?
what do u guys think?

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vote4change Send Instant Message
Post #: 202
New York
Message: [quote]
ok .. he might not have the most experience

but let's look at some facts that can not be ignored

the war

obama opposed it. mccain did not. bush and mostly cheney made it up for oil. obama goes on a world tour - on mccain's behalf mind you - and what do you know ... france likes him. iraq likes him. this is a guy that can use his talents to make this world a little more peaceful. he might not - but the possibility is there. mccain is just a war hound - it's what he knows - it's what his campaign is based on.

the economy - the most important issue of the campaign

mccain doesn't even aknowledge there is a recession. he thinks the economy is on the upturn. he has admitted that his gas tax holiday idea to lower gas prices was a 'psychological' effort to make us think that we are saving money. his top economic advisor had to quit because he called americans a nation of whiners - this is the same guy who helped create all the tax loopholes for big oil and i believe his wife was a major player in the enron scandal.

how much worse would our economy be under mccain? the great depression part II?

04:11am, Sat 16
Talamascaa Send Instant Message
Post #: 2946
Message: [quote]
It's funny how many Americans were all for the war right after the 9-11 attacks then when it went on too long, they changed and said "I've always been against this war."  That's BS.  The majority of the country wanted retaliation and were all for a full strike.  If Obama was against it, i would have liked to see how people would have reacted to him in 2001 when he spoke out against the war.  Especially with his name. 

McCain may not be the perfect candidate, but I feel safer with him running the country than a jr. Senator who has almost no experience.  If Obama makes a major mistake we can't just say to our citizens 'well, he's new to all this and just learning." 

Obama is a good speaker and makes people feel good about him, but I fear he really lacks the nessacary tools to lead the most powerful country on the planet.

10:59am, Sat 16
Talamascaa Send Instant Message
Post #: 2947
Message: [quote]
That's because he's promising them he'll bring slavery back.  He just forgot to mention, it will be the whites that will be the slaves this time.  

08:48am, Sun 17
Talamascaa Send Instant Message
Post #: 2949
Message: [quote]

The next time you hear the expression 'Bush's war' remember
 And note that this is not 'opinion,' just direct video. 
on the link.



 This is how we got
in the war
, not just by act of
the president!

07:20pm, Mon 18
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Topic: georgia v russia.. what should US do?

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