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vote4change Send Instant Message
04:44am, Fri 08
those who want change .. and live in the United States

please consider Obama .. he's out to make a difference

check my profile for a fantastic video!


this is not political spamming .. i'm just sharing what I believe in

some of you should know that

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ants Send Instant Message
Post #: 472
Message: [quote]
dont come on here giving it all that fuck off with all your voting bollocks no one cares and besides who the hell are you anyway how do we no your not a terrorist with no picture? GO AWAY!

04:48am, Fri 08
ants Send Instant Message
Post #: 473
Message: [quote]
dont come on here giving it all that fuck off with all your voting bollocks no one cares and besides who the hell are you anyway how do we no your not a terrorist with no picture? GO AWAY!

04:48am, Fri 08
ants Send Instant Message
Post #: 474
Message: [quote]
dont come on here giving it all that fuck off with all your voting bollocks no one cares and besides who the hell are you anyway how do we no your not a terrorist with no picture? GO AWAY!

04:48am, Fri 08
flynner Send Instant Message
Post #: 473
Message: [quote]

it's a really fucked up scenario, I honestly think he would do the best job as president and if I had a say I would vote for him, unfortunately, I think if he is elected, he'll be shot and killed or the moronic rednecks that represent the south will turn their backs on the country and it will end up dividing the country and causing conflict within.

07:02am, Fri 08
ants Send Instant Message
Post #: 475
Message: [quote]
well its lucky then that bush wont be president because he would just declair war again like he allways fucking does!

07:07am, Fri 08
flynner Send Instant Message
Post #: 474
Message: [quote]

when it's proven one day why he really went over there and started this war, he should be executed just the same as Saddam because he's no better

07:12am, Fri 08
Jaded24 Send Instant Message
Post #: 657
Fredericton,New Brunswick
Message: [quote]
Sorry I am not in the U.S. I have Prime Minister, and yeah.... not so much in to Obama ne ways..... But as long as the put some else besides Bush in power its better than nothing...

07:22am, Fri 08
flynner Send Instant Message
Post #: 475
Message: [quote]
it's inevitable he'll be replaced, Bush has served the maximum 2 terms.

07:32am, Fri 08
flynner Send Instant Message
Post #: 476
Message: [quote]
Quote from chicken23
"Quote from flynner

it's a really fucked up scenario, I honestly think he would do the best job as president and if I had a say I would vote for him, unfortunately, I think if he is elected, he'll be shot and killed or the moronic rednecks that represent the south will turn their backs on the country and it will end up dividing the country and causing conflict within.


America is full of rednecks i don't even think he has a chance of getting president in the first place. I mean who the hell was voting for bush?"

You're absolutely right, Bush cleaned up in the South, another huge factor that influenced them to vote Bush was religion.

07:34am, Fri 08
vote4change Send Instant Message
Post #: 1
New York
Message: [quote]
like him or not I believe in him

listening to him speak moves me like no other politician ever has

he's a brilliant speaker, a brilliant man, and i think he will make a brilliant president

that and he won't cry when he's down in the polls

06:28pm, Fri 08

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