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adam Send Instant Message
09:55am, Fri 05
Obama's downfall....
u know obama messed up by not selecting clinton to be his running mate.. and mccain made a killing by selecting the hot babe... that may just be the turning point in this election...

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Talamascaa Send Instant Message
Post #: 2991
Message: [quote]
I agree.  Obama is loosing momentum fast.  As long as McCain doesn't do anything to screw up during the next month, he may have an in.  

10:59am, Fri 05
Talamascaa Send Instant Message
Post #: 2992
Message: [quote]

01:21pm, Fri 05
mel Send Instant Message
Post #: 3867
Message: [quote]
Obama is going to win.  Sorry.

07:45pm, Fri 05
Talamascaa Send Instant Message
Post #: 2993
Message: [quote]
if he wins... we'll all end up pretty sorry

09:32pm, Fri 05
mel Send Instant Message
Post #: 3868
Message: [quote]
If McCain wins...we'll get a bitch for VP. Here are some examples:

While on a shock jock radio show they hosts were making fun of her political rival calling her "fat", "bitch" and "a cancer to the public arena" (her opponent by the way is a cancer survivor...it was a well known fact).  How did Palin handle it?  She giggled along with them. ONLY after she was barraged by the media did she call this woman and apologize.   Uhm.

When she was running as a reform candidate she swore to clean up corruption and then she accepted the endorsement of Sen. Ted Stevens who was under indictment for accepting bribes from Alaska oil companies....herm......

Her own mother in law isnt sure she will vote for her.  Her exact comment was "I'm not sure what she brings to the ticket other than the fact that she is a woman and a conservative".....oh my

Sher also has been actively involved in the Alaska Independence Party which is a fringe political group that sought to seek Alaska's seccession from the U.S.

Remind me again why you want her to be V.P?

10:36am, Sat 06
Talamascaa Send Instant Message
Post #: 2997
Message: [quote]
lol  if she was the democratic primary you'd be telling me all of her good points right now.  Go ahead and try to elect the guy who's done nothing into office and see what you get.  

11:55am, Sat 06
mel Send Instant Message
Post #: 3869
Message: [quote]
Quote from Talamascaa
"lol  if she was the democratic primary you'd be telling me all of her good points right now.  Go ahead and try to elect the guy who's done nothing into office and see what you get.  


That would be impossible because she doesnt have any good qualities......except she's hot.  And the same would be true for you - if she were a Demo - YOU would be the one pointing out her bad qualities instead of me!  What were Biden's bad qualities?  Oh yeah...he doesn't have any! 

12:27pm, Sat 06
Talamascaa Send Instant Message
Post #: 2998
Message: [quote]
Biden might have had my vote if he were the primary. 

HE has more experience than Obama. 

HE hasn't been listening to 20 years of "Kill whitey"  

10:13pm, Sat 06
Talamascaa Send Instant Message
Post #: 2999
Message: [quote]

10:52pm, Sat 06
mel Send Instant Message
Post #: 3872
Message: [quote]
Quote from Talamascaa


This is only true if you are in the top 5% earnings wise.  

11:55pm, Sat 06

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