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Profile for ClassicKay
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Feb 20, 2008

Real name: Kayla

- United States
State/Province: ky

Status: Single
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bisexual

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About me:
am an aunt, a sister, a cousin, a daughter, a grand daughter, a niece, a godmother, a hard worker, a somewhat musician, i am straight, i am gay, a poet, an artist, a lover, a fighter, a best friend, a good friend, a freak, a goth, a prep, a gangtsa, a redneck, a nerd, a child, a woman, a fan, a singer, a dancer, a bitch, a poliet and kind person. i apologize too much. and i forgive too easily. and love way to often. i lie to make things right. and i cry when they go wrong. i am a music obsessed freak. and a crazy sports fan. i still love batman and pirates. i will be the best. i will do it for me. love will find me. i have my fears. but failure isnt one of them. i had a hard life. it made me, me. i smoke. i drink. i have sex. and i dont always follow the law. i love my tattoos and piercings, so dont ask me to get rid of them. i have the best friends in history. so back off. i am not racist, i am not sexist, i am not homophobic, nor am i judgemental. i like stars, hearts, polka dots, and skulls. call me emo. call me fake. call me anything. i know who i am. do you? i live off rockstar...

Turn ons:
anyone who loves music as much as me...

Turn offs:
self obsorbed.... arogant...

music sports art and poetry

I admire:
my friends... they are amazing

Favorite movies:
transformers, potc1,2,&3, any thing with johnny depp, anchroman, blades of glory, elf, talledga nights, a walk to remember, indepence day

Favorite TV shows:
SCRUBS, big brother, the simpsons, family guy, aqua teen, fresh prince, criminal minds, csi

Best feature:
my lips, and my eyes i guess



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