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Profile for Jhunt
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Nov 12, 2007

Real name: Jon Hunter

- United States
State/Province: Pa

Status: Single
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
hmmm lets see...so much to say where do i start...im the best at what i do i cant help it nor can i explain as to why im this way...GOD makes a man like me ONCE every 10 years and i guess after he made me he stopped because im that fuckin dude ya dig...ima cool down to earth person like simple as that i dont bother anybody at all beacuse i tend to keep to myself any my family ya know...i have a bad temper which causes me to snap out from time to time and what not but im not perfect so i cant help it ya dig...i love my family because without there i wouldnt be the man that stands here right now so nomatter how much i say i hate them or how mad i get at them i'll always love them because they will be there no matter what ya dig...when im not with my family which in all reality is only on sundays im with my NighShift crew chillin makin music or gettin money ya dig...nothin in this world is for free thats why we work so hard at what we do...if im not with them im more than likely sleepin or on some other shit for the day so yea...anywas im not going to sit here on myspace and write a novel about myself so if there is anything else that you want to know just send me a message and ill talk to you on here or message me on aim jhunt090804j

Turn ons:
long hair, eyes, smiles,

Turn offs:
ugly feet and hands hair that isn't longer than mine, shitty personalities, shitty attitudes, people that can't take care of themselves

backyard football, basketball, xbox 360, shopping, partying, making music

I admire:
God & My Mother

Favorite movies:
Grease, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, All Scary And Action Movies and Some Love Movies

Favorite TV shows:
Friends And Scrubs

Best feature:
My Smile And Laugh

Both Ears

Yes ha

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