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Profile for Number_201
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Nov 23, 2004

Real name: Sonny

- United States
State/Province: CA

Status: Single
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
truth be told, i hate describing myself... if you get to know me youll find that im a really sweet guy, who always seems a little down cause i been through a lot of shit... dont worry though, for as serious as i sound most of the time, i take everything with a light heart, i try to smile through everything, sometimes are just harder than others... i love and hate life, its great, but its the worst thing thats ever happened to me... im really into singing, i dont do it for just anyone, but i love doing it... my heart is always open, so i guess im always vulnerable, anyway thats about all i can think up... like i said, i dont like to describe myself, id rather you get to know me and form your own opinion... talk to me....

Turn ons:
hahaha, women... no sweetness, adorability, cuddling, kissing..beautiful eyes, and a nice smile... lots more... just ask...

Turn offs:
liars... deceit...

music, photography, art... lots...

I admire:
a band, the get up kids...

Favorite movies:
kevin smith films...

Favorite TV shows:
cartoons, [adult_swim], anime... real world road rules challenge...

Best feature:
my personality...

not any more

no, but one artistic scar...

My friends
My photos

Voting Habits:

Average vote: 10       Total votes: 1

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