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Profile for RAMM
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Jan 02, 2008

Real name: Ram

- Uganda
State/Province: East Africa

Status: Single
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
It's always too good to be true for it does save alot and gives much gain with no regret. At times things seem like nothing I have ever known. I bet you can always feel it in your body and soul that you need something when you get in contact with it whatsoever. At times you may not understand your own thinking due to too much pressure. Accepting a gift is one thing and understanding what it is is another. God gave all man kind an invisible gift of love. It always sees us but a few of us see it till it is gone. Its eyes can always shine like diamonds in a field of snow man, that destny led it to us. Made us feel that life is now complete though it's hard to some p'ple that have never seen love. Love is so strong like the dazzling of the moon. Force can't put it out nor can water flood it. I believe chance comes once though what goes round comes round. Let the ones you love know that you do and always keep them as close as possible.

Turn ons:
Sweet talks, tourching and kissing

Turn offs:
Sad stories

movie frick

I admire:
i admire My mother and believe she is the greatest of all out there

Favorite movies:
Coming to America

Favorite TV shows:
Punked is kinda interesting but I'm a series guy and I love Prison Break

Best feature:
My lips are prety cool for a guy and believe me they are good and not easily unnoticed.



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