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Profile for Sparkles
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Dec 10, 2006

Real name: Kelly

- United Kingdom
State/Province: London

Status: Dating
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
i love ma bitches... vicks, foochoo, tinatee, and soozie and my best m8 is noddy, i love all my girls!.. no body mess wid me or ma girlz, othawise i will fuk u up! hehehehehe

Turn ons:
Fit boys with big muscles of course!!! wid big willys hehehehehe

Turn offs:
ugly and fat and when a lad shoots a snot out wid his finger and it lands on ya face! eeeew gross. B.O..eeeew yuk! and when ya in bed wid ya man and he farts and it stinks, especialy if he has had a kebab the nite b4. and i h8 when he farts and forces it and some shit comes out, dats horrible. :o(

hanging out with the girls and messing with da boys lololol and getting pissed of course :o) and lotsa sex whilst smoke a joint hehehehehe..like ma legs inthe air whilst havin a nice big spliff hehehehehe

I admire:
myself hehehehehe :o)

Favorite movies:
horrors are da best films to watch

Favorite TV shows:
Hollyoaks with the gorgeous boys in it :o)

Best feature:
gotts to be ma bum n boobs lol..iz gots de small pert tities lolol

yes ears twice and nipple

no but maybe in a few years?..thinkin of gettin a fosters larger can image tatooed on one of ma tits hehehehehe so my boyfriends can pretend to drink it and ava play wid me nips hehehehehe and one tattooed maybe ma bootie too near me crack hehehehehe :o)

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Average vote: 3.07       Total votes: 171

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