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Profile for annjeansanti
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Nov 20, 2008

Real name: Anabelle Jean

- United States
State/Province: cleveland

Status: Single
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
I am a kind of girl who likes your first move to be spontaneous. You can kiss me a soon as you want and let the mood marinate for at least 15 minutes. Treat me like a guest and offer me a drink. Turn on some music or entertainment. When you are setting the mood, forgo the sex pistol for something mellow but passionate, such a scene as the shine Cold play. If you think you have an idea to make the first move, find me now . . . and talk to me.annjeansantiago at yeah that cum ….

Turn ons:
I like one who is making a move after my body has synced. Planting the first kiss is a high wire act. It is a warning sign that I am not ready to jump but just trying to feel the silence. Your body should have a chance to synchronize with my body needs. It can be a snake attack. If I am seated you can ask me to help you mix a drink or drop a dollop of syrup to a sundae, or do anything you want with me like doing the tongue helicopter, for I prefer a kiss that’s short and sweet. Kiss me gently around my mouth, face, neck and ears. It may increase the intensity, just follow the lead. Let’s talk about this..annjeansantiago at yeah whu that cum

Turn offs:
who will not stified with me


I admire:
a guy who make feel happy!!!!!!!!!

Favorite movies:
hand cock,superman,

Favorite TV shows:
amazing race

Best feature:
to get married



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