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A good day, spoiled girl
11:06pm, Aug 21st 2006
Blog viewed 1215 times

I just got out of session with one of My slaves in training, and the phone hasn't stopped ringing. I called Salome and she said it is the same for her. What the hell is going on? The subbies are all in a frenzy to play, more than usual. I need some rest soon, I spent all day in bed with the boy till about 5. My first session called to cancel, so we got a bit more time to tear apart the house and each other. I am going to go to Home Depot while I get these few minutes before My scheduled phone sessions then the rest of My live bookings this evening. It's madness around here.

Comments - [Add Comment]
12:28am, Aug 25 2006
mel Send Instant Message
3:19pm, Aug 22 2006
Sounds like a full life ;-)
adam Send Instant Message





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