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Favorite song: if u ever really loved a
5:05pm, Nov 10th 2006
Blog viewed 809 times

hey this blog is about roses ! i thought like hey what the hell about these roses! and why roses! but did u ever looked at a rose! did u see how she hugs herself like it is keeping sthg really gr8 inside of her? did u see how the petals have the shape of a little heart! so think of all these little hearts hugging their favorite sthg with that sweet aroma and freshness! A rose is the queen of all flowers! so i wanna give two dozens of roses to someone on here who is so sweet and prettty and sexy and smart! one of them is red and the other is white! hope u will like these roses pretty ........... :kiss: :kiss:

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10:16pm, Nov 10 2006
wow massoud.. very romantic.. u really know ur roses dont u.... hehe hope the girl who receives them will appreciate the poetry more than the actual roses....
karmen Send Instant Message





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