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Helps Cancer Victim
2:06pm, Dec 9th 2006
Blog viewed 695 times

Thanks to Paulette Magaw for this series! PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE OPENING THE ATTACHMENT First let me thank you all for your overwhelming response to my request for product experiences from customers with cancer... The compilation of them is attached. As you read and share these experiences, I would like to offer a word of caution. As you know, cancer is a devastating disease and brings with it many emotions - many rooted in fear and desperation. Please be respectful of that and share our wonderful Melaleuca products that certainly will help them or their loved one -- but be careful to avoid the word "cure" - instead you may want to say "helps". I speak from personal experience - when my beloved Mother was diagnosed with malignant breast cancer, I was petrified. I am so grateful that she is fine and has been cancer-free for nearly 8 years. She is an avid Melaleuca product user and, yes, I believe they have helped her tremendously to boost her immune system and keep her strong in her recovery process. All who have heard me train know that I am very outspoken and adamant on this topic of never overselling the product - I believe it is critical in maintaining our reputation and respectability in the field. We must be extremely careful to set an accurate expectation about our products. In sharing product experiences, we should relay them with no exaggeration; not promising a miraculous cure -- This is especially true when talking about devastating diseases. Our products are better because they leverage advanced science and natural compounds - Thousands of customers have experienced 'magic-moments' with each product in our line - they are live-enhancing indeed. Be well, -- Paulette ----------------------------------------- MELALEUCA PRODUCT EXPERIENCES FROM CUSTOMERS WITH CANCER Dear Sheri, This is my testimony and the reason for my passion in wanting to share Melaleuca information with all who will listen. My mother has been a hospice patient since January of this year, meaning she is terminally ill. She has bone cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and asthma. After her chemotherapy, and radiation treatments in January she was very weak, in a lot or pain, and her skin was not healing well where the radiation had burned her low back area. Many of us know that diabetics have problems with healing. She could not turn over in bed, nor lift her legs in or out of bed. She was homebound. Her pastor and the deacons would bring her communion on first Sundays. Near the end of February, after I heard this presentation, I selected the Career Pack and became a Preferred Customer. I shared the Gold Bar and Renew Lotion with my mom. After a little over a month her skin completely healed. Thanks to the healing and penetrating properties of the Gold Bar, and the moisture binding properties of the Renew Lotion, my mother's skin is intact. It took me a while to ask my mother to take more pills, but I told her that I believe she would feel much better if she would take the vitamins that I take, the Daily for Life pack. She said ok. This was in June. The first Sunday in July, I took her to church. She has not missed communion since then. She likes to cook (and she takes her time), she’s doing that to. Her hospice nurse asked me recently what happened in June that caused so many changes in my mom. She said, “Her blood pressure came down - the doctor had to decrease her lasix, and her insulin, and I saw her walking from a car to the house without assistance.” I told her about the Daily for Life pack, she said, “Just sign me up.” I am so thankful for Melaleuca being in my life. - Sheila Rashid My dad at age 83 was diagnosed with prostate cancer - as well as had many polyps with his last colonoscopy. Well, my mom was taking Melaleuca vitamins so I took Dad ProstAvan & ProVex Plus over - at that age people habits are hard to change & he didn't want a lot of pills (even though I stress they are vitamins/food - not drugs). He began faithfully taking the ProstAvan & I told him 1 ProVex Plus per 12 lbs - he did that for a month maybe two - can’t say how much ProVex Plus he is doing now... BUT he is faithful to the ProstAvan...AND when he had his check up last September the Dr was shaking his head wondering why the counts were all way down so low that he felt that is was no longer a concern. (Yeahhhh!!!) Mom (82) has high cholesterol & was taking the Phytomega but not the FiberWise - her numbers went up. I said she has to take the two separate but daily... she is getting tested in the next couple of weeks - It has been 3 months now, I know it will be down & I will let you know how much when I hear. In the meantime, Dad (now 85) started putting the FiberWise on his cereal each morning & his last colonoscopy has clear no polyps at all. The doctor said he would see him in 10 years & they don't do colonoscopies on 95 year olds. I know they have better health because of my sharing these awesome wonderful products with them. -- Jeannine Hi Paulette, I was diagnosed with leukemia (Acute Myeloid Leukemia) in 1996 and I had an autologous bone marrow transplant in 1997. I was 31 and had a year and a half old child when I was diagnosed. I tried every vitamin and every homeopath, naturopath etc. out there up until 1999 when I enrolled in Melaleuca specifically for the vitamin line and to get all of the toxins out of my house. Up to this point after transplant I had pneumonia all winter, flu, colds or whatever was going around. I take the Daily for Life packets every day. I also take FiberWise daily and I drink at least 3-4 large cups of Melaleuca tea per day. I rarely get sick anymore and I don't take the flu shot. I use nothing except Melaleuca products in my home. I'm pleased to report that I haven't had pneumonia since!! My step father was just recently diagnosed with prostate cancer and is undergoing 8 weeks of radiation treatment daily. He also takes the Daily for Life packets every day and has had no side effects from the treatment. The only precaution is if someone is going through chemo and their blood platelet levels fall they need to stop taking any of the ProVex line until their platelets go up. I had a problem with platelet levels when I had chemo so I know first hand. Hopefully this had helped. If you need any info that I haven't given you just let me know. -- Kim Allen-McLean Chris and Paulette, Our son had ALL (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) and was in a high risk group. At the time Chris & Eric referred us to Melaleuca, he had been having very aggressive chemotherapy for about 18 months. At that point in time, his liver was in bad shape and had been going downhill for the past five months and he was sick--on top of having ALL--and his Dr. stopped his chemo. Our son then took 1 each of Mel-Vita, Mela-Cal and Cell-wise daily, which I had recently received in my Value Pack. Just one week later, when we arrived back to his oncologist, not only was he well and his blood work showed improvement from his status quo, but even more importantly, his chemistry panel showed improvement. This was the first time in the five months of a downward spiral that it had done so. Back on chemo, and a second week later, additional progress was made in his liver set. And so he continued taking the Mel-Vita, the Mel-Cal and the Cell-wise with his chemo, and his liver showed continual improvement throughout the duration of chemo which lasted another 22 months. By the time chemo was completed, his liver was within a normal range. What a difference Melaleuca made! From getting almost to the point of having to give up on the protocol treatment of leukemia, to being able to continue chemo and complete the 40 months of treatment, AND ending with a liver in a normal range!! Thank you Melaleuca! Thank you, Chris and Eric!! -- Marsha Ackerlund In August 1998 I was diagnosed with having breast cancer. On August 28th the doctor performed a lumpectomy and auxiliary node dissection. The specific types of breast cancer I had were two types. One was intraductal and the other was tubular which was also invasive. The surgeon was able to remove all of the cancerous tissue and my nodes were clean of any cancer. Because of it size (2 mm x 4 mm x 7 mm), type, etc. it was decided that the only further treatment I needed was radiation. During this time I was taking the Vitality Pack, Cell Wise, ProVex Plus, and Provex CV. When I started radiation in October, the radiation oncologist approved my continued taking of the Vitality Pack. I discontinued the others because they are antioxidants and radiation is an oxidation process. The total duration of my radiation treatment was 6 ½ weeks or 33 treatments, the last one being November 24th. The first two weeks I had plenty of energy and then it started to dissipate. I made arrangements with my manager at work to be able to work at home when necessary (this became every Friday for a while). My radiologist told me that my energy level would go down and then continue to fall for about 2 weeks after the treatments stopped before it started coming back up. One week before the end of the treatments, we ran out of the Vitality Pack. We had tapered off and then were without it for about 2 days. My energy hit rock bottom! And I still continued to work. As soon as we received our order, I started taking the Vitality Pack again. My energy level came back up and never went as low as it was when I was without the Vitality Pack. Three or four times I did eat an Access Bar in the afternoon to help boost my energy so I could make it through the day. I had to wait an additional 4 weeks after radiation to start on the antioxidants again. By the first of January my energy was back significantly. By mid-January my energy was totally back to “normal.” During the time I was taking radiation, I used the Problem Skin lotion and the Defend Deodorant (no aluminum in it). Also, I had been forewarned by a friend of mine who had undergone radiation that my resistance would go down and that I would catch everything (“only 5 times worse”). I am glad to say that I had not even had a COLD since spring 19981!) My immune system stayed up! In January 1999 my radiation oncologist told me to use Vitamin E oil on the skin that had been burned by radiation. It was thick and leathery. She told me it would help. I found the oil to be “icky-sticky” but I used it for about 4 months before stopping it. I saw little results. In August Melaleuca came out with the Nicole Miller products. I purchased the Value Pack and started using them. In October I again saw my radiation oncologist. She told me AGAIN to use the Vitamin E oil on the breast tissue. “It will work. It will take a LONG time, but it will work,” she assured me. I went home grumbling “Icky-sticky, icky sticky – do I REALLY want to do icky-sticky again?” That night as I was preparing for bed, I picked up the Multi-vitamin complex. I discovered it had Vitamin E in it. I figured if it was safe for the face, it was safe for the breast. Besides, it wasn’t “icky-sticky.” I saw results in TWO days. It took only a month to restore the skin. My doctors were impressed. My medical oncologist suggested that I take soy and black cohosh for the hot flashes I was starting to experience. I told him about Estraval. He had never seen the two in the same product. He has said that with my type of cancer, it is perfectly safe for me to take the Estraval. I have waited until recently to do so. Eating 1 Attain bar each day kept the edge off of the hot flashes until recently. Now I am taking the Estraval. I am so thankful for these SAFE, health-enhancing products! -- Judith Ames, 403 SE 98th Ave., Vancouver, WA 98664 (360)254-5245 Email – n7srs@iglide.net Here is another wonderful testimony of how our products have helped someone with their energy level. Maybe it will help one of your prospects. Thanks Stu or sharing. -- Ginger Minske On last night's conference call I told the story of how I got involved with Melaleuca. Actually, I didn't join, my wife Donna did. She was enrolled by a friend in Atlanta who is not really active in the business. To be honest, I was against it, being a "doc", I am as closed minded and skeptical as any. Donna bought a Career Pak and took all of my normal products away from me and gave me Melaleuca products, she actually through all of my "stuff" in the garbage. And she started taking some of the supplements. Donna had breast cancer. In 1991 she had double radical mastectomies followed by chemo. Her prognosis was so bad she then had high-dose chemo and an autologous (her own) bone marrow transplant. She then had radiation and reconstruction. After all of these treatments, her energy level was zip. After dinner, I would clean up the kitchen and she would go to bed, our evening ended about 7:00 PM. Within a few weeks of starting the Vitality Pak, Natural Cell Wise and Provex Plus, her energy level zoomed through the roof. She essentially got her life back. And in the mean time, I noticed that I liked the Melaleuca products better than my old ones, so I said "there is something to this business" and I decided to find out more. I talked to a bunch of people in Melaleuca, both professional and non-professional about the business and decided to join Donna in the business. I would like to help people as much as we have been helped by Melaleuca. In the meantime, Donna is cancer-free after 9 years. We use virtually all of the products and most of the supplements ourselves. Our monthly order is in the neighborhood of 300 BP. -- Stu Paulette: Vic is, as I type, right in the middle of his 2nd round of chemo and his 5th week of 5 day a week radiation treatment for esophageal cancer. Both his oncologist, radiologist and gastroenterologists are extremely pleased with how he has been handling all the treatments. He has been taking nearly all the supplements with the exception of the Provex CV which could counter the effects of the chemo and has added Activate to his supplementation. (Also, he just had his PSA tested and it was as low as that of a man in his early 20's and Vic just turned 60 - he takes ProstAvan.) As a result, thus far, no hair loss and he is maintaining his weight, having regained a portion of his initial 10 pound weight loss following his first 96 hour chemo treatment. We have tried to limit the amount of reading as it gets terribly overwhelming but I have been in touch with Dr. Jeremy Geffen who used to have a cancer treatment center here in Vero Beach and has written 2 books - "The 7 Levels of Healings" and "A Journey of cancer." The reason I mention him as he is one of the only aleopathic physicians who was open to multiple modalities of treatment, incorporating yoga, meditation and the use of acupuncture etc., to support patients through their treatments in his cancer. He was loved and hated by physicians here in town but of course, that would be par for the course. Vic's surgeon at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa saw the Melaleuca handbook and gave Vic his blessing to take the supplements, cutting back prior to surgery. I hope this message helps. Best wishes, --Karen Mantell My name is Donna Davis and I am 49. Before I was introduced to Melaleuca I was diagnosed with hairy cell leukemia. In 1999 I underwent chemotherapy for leukemia. As with most people, I had the usual symptoms going through chemo. Unfortunately, the treatment did not get all of the cancer. After my cancer diagnosis, I did a lot of research on chemicals and toxins and how they affect our health. I was introduced to Melaleuca and joined immediately in July 2001. I am a strong believer in the Daily for Life and the entire Vitality for Life nutritional line. So when I knew I needed to undergo treatment again in January 2002, I added Activate to my Daily for Life for a month before and then continued these supplements during and after chemo. I was given a drug following chemo to help increase my blood count. After my initial chemo treatment, this drug really helped me; but after my second treatment in 2002 I broke out in a rash all over my body. My doctor said, "Apparently, your body doesn't need this (drug) this time." My husband and I knew exactly why...the Daily for Life and the Activate! I remain cancer free and I thank God and Melaleuca for my health. EVERYONE needs these supplements whether it's to increase energy, provide extra nutrition, or to help our bodies fight off free radicals. So, if you're not already using these, order them today! Also, make sure your home is free from harmful chemicals and toxins by using the rest of the wonderful Melaleuca line. -- Donna Davis, 09 Oct 2003 06:19:43 PM Only last November, 2000, one of my few remaining uncles was diagnosed with terminal Pancreatic Cancer. He had been suffering stomach pain, digestion problems, and was having difficulty keeping some foods down. I linked him into a conference call with an Executive Director who lives in the Boston area. This gentleman heads up a Wellness Company involving a circle of doctors using alternative medicine. He feels he has helped many patients defeat their cancer with Melaleuca nutritional supplements. He confessed, however, that Pancreatic Cancer patients had only gained a year or two, at best. We convinced my uncle to increase his dose of the patented multi-vitamin/mineral product, The Vitality Pak, to three pairs per day, the grape seed product, Provex CV, to an unprecedented 16 per day ( one for every 12 pounds of body weight), and add the Echinacea product, Activate, at three per day. Within four days, my uncle claimed he had not "felt as good as this in the past ten years". Uncle Albert is 69 years of age. Following his doctor’s advice, he agreed to undergo very dangerous surgery for removal of a suspected tumor that radiologists had not been able to find in a two hour scan of MRI imaging. There was a three month wait before the surgery was performed and meanwhile Uncle Albert maintained his high dosage of nutrients. When the tumor (about 1 cubic centimeter in size) was successfully removed, the surgeon admitted that it appeared different from most tumors he had removed from other patients. We believe that it was no longer malignant. For any person reading this who has been diagnosed with cancer, we are not in the business of curing health problems. Your physician is your ally in that endeavor. What we hope to do is fortify a person’s immune system to prevent the possibility of such a diagnosis. That said, we have known of two cases, personally, where our nutritional supplements taken in conjunction with the treatments given by medical teams, appeared to prolong the lives of the two individuals far beyond the predictions of the medical experts. Both individuals were women. One had Cervical Cancer, the other had Stomach Cancer. So pronounced was the improvement of the woman with Cervical Cancer that a Radiologist caught up with her in the hospital parking lot and said "I know you’re taking something besides radiation treatments from me and I’d like to know what it is. I have a grandfather who has been diagnosed with cancer and I want him to have what you’re taking". In January of this year, I called my Uncle and he told me that about a month ago that he had just undergone three scans using a radioactive dye. They were spaced apart over two days. The scans were intended to find any remaining cancer in his system. None was found. He also said that the U. of T. wanted permission to analyze the "growth" that had been removed from his pancreas. It would appear that even though it had been surgically removed from him, he still had legal control over what was to be done with it. This growth was described as being about 1 centimeter in diameter and did not bear the characteristic appearance of a malignant tumor. I would love to give full credit to Melaleuca for this miracle and perhaps it deserves full credit, but my uncle also has a sister-in-law who recommended he take Essiac because she had beaten her cancer with it. Uncle Albert now takes both. Before responding to your e-mail, Lorraine and I called Joe Clementi to ask his permission to offer you his name and phone number. He was most gracious on both counts. This was also the first time we had called him since the conference call with my Uncle. Needless to say, he was thrilled with the news of my Uncle's success. He also pointed out the reason for these most recent tests. It seems that when there's cancer in the body, there's the major cancer growth that takes over the growth of new blood vessels to feed it, but there's also a bunch of little cancers waiting in the wings throughout the body that can't grow because the big cancer hogs everything. When the big cancer is surgically removed, it's not long before one or more of the little cancers ventures to start growing to take its place. That's why radiation or chemotherapy are favored following surgery. Uncle Albert had neither and yet his cancer is totally gone. No wonder the researchers are curious! -- Ron Manser Dear friends, Well, for those of you who have been waiting for me to type up my testimony, here it is! I had my doctor review it this morning, and she helped me edit it for accuracy. It is, however, written in laymen's terms, which I think is perfectly acceptable for most people. Please feel free to pass it to anyone you know who also suffers with this disease. You may also hand-write my home phone number on any copy you pass to someone you know very well, but I would rather not have my unlisted number published indiscriminately! Thanks! I hope you find this helpful! In November 1988, after a full year of traumatic events, I was diagnosed with chronic Lymphocytic leukemia. I had recently been through a full series of blood tests, as I had developed several serious health problems and felt totally exhausted. While reviewing the results of these tests, my doctor recommended I see a hematologist that specialized in treating various types of leukemia. This oncologist told me that this disease, though relatively rare, was not in an aggressive stage. She told me, however, that she would recommend that my doctor monitor this situation, as I was in a condition that could quickly become borderline and require chemotherapy treatments. She also told me that many people who are diagnosed with this disease often live a very full life and that I should not be overly worried. I continued to be tested to track the progress of this disorder. Then, in 1995, my blood tests indicated that the disease was entering an aggressive stage. Alarmed, I realized that once again I was going through a period of great stress, and that had probably precipitated this change. My doctor allowed me to take a 3 month leave of absence from my job, and a blood test taken at the end of my leave showed improvement. In fact, with the introduction of Provex, then Provex Plus, I actually started to see a change in how I felt and a slight improvement in my test results. Then, in early 1997, I once again started to show signs that my leukemia was entering an aggressive stage. My doctor actually encouraged me to take another leave of absence, and if my counts did not improve, she recommended I start a chemotherapy program. I decided to quit working full time. I left my job at the end of July, then flew to Convention, where the original Provex CV was introduced. I bought a Convention special, and immediately started a saturation dose of the Provex CV. I did not make any appointments to see my doctor, nor did I return her calls; I wanted to give the Provex CV a chance to see if it would help. Well, to make a long story short, my count improved, and I did not have to start a chemotherapy program! In fact, when I had back surgery last spring, a staff doctor who reviewed my chart was incensed that I "thought" I had any blood disorder. He said I was too healthy to be sick with a chronic disease, and my blood tests indicated that also! I have had to stay on a higher dosage of Provex CV than is prescribed on the bottle. I take (4) of the new Provex CV tablets daily and my test results are consistently in the safe range! The balance of my daily supplements are: (3 - 5) Provex to control my allergies, (3) Provex Plus to aid my vision and memory, The Vitality Pak , (2) Cell Wise, (2) Replenex. -- Ann Good 1/30/99 Hi Everyone, I would like to thank everyone who has been praying for my Dad. I sent out a prayer request last January when my Dad was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. His prayers have been answered because last month he had a CT scan that shows his tumors are gone. There is a lot of scar tissue due to the radiation damage but the cancer tumors are gone! Many of you receiving this email know about Melaleuca because you are using their products. I would like to share with all of you that I feel Melaleuca was the answer to my Dad's prayers. Sometimes miracles happen through other people. Melaleuca offers a way to share safe, non-toxic, less expensive products with our friends and family. It is that simple. They also have the best supplements on the planet. Here is my Dad's journey with his cancer and what we did to combat it: 01/11/00 Diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer. 01/15/00 Increased amount of Melaleuca supplements. Started taking the following 2 times per day (morning & evening). Took them everyday, even during treatment. 1 Mel Vita, 1 MelaCal, 1 Cell wise, 2 Provex CV, 4 Provex Plus**, 1 Activate (3 weeks per month) **Contains Resveratrol, a compound in grape skins that fights cancer. http://www.ag.uiuc.edu/~ffh/resvera.html http://www.mbf.com.au/mbf/mbf.nsf/Pages/173E36DF458C299FCA2569110021FD7C 01/25/00 Met with the oncologist and discussed treatment options. 6 Chemo treatments and 6-8 weeks of radiation was the chosen protocol. 02/07/00 1st Chemo treatment of Carboplatin and Taxol. 02/28/00 2nd Chemo treatment of Carboplatin and Taxol. 03/20/00 X-ray showed no large tumor. Opted for 3rd Chemo treatment of Carboplatin and Taxol. Side effects from the Chemo treatments were an intense pain down his shins for 3-4 days after treatment. He did lose all his hair but he did not get sick to his stomach. 03/24/00 CT Scan. 80% reduction in tumor size! 04/13/00 1st radiation treatment Continued radiation treatments 5 days per week for almost 8 weeks. 06/06/00 Last radiation treatment. 09/11/00 CT Scan. Tumors are gone! The journey is not over because the radiation damage caused many other problems. He needs to give his body lots of rest so it can recover. This will probably take another 6 months to a year. My Dad has a lot of things that helped him through all of this. The Melaleuca supplements, prayers, and his positive attitude. I am so proud of him and how he coped with the situation. He is now volunteering in the oncology and radiation areas of the hospital. I hope his positive outlook on life rubs off on everyone he encounters to help their journeys be less painful. Thanks to all of you for all your prayers. It is just amazing what the power of prayer can do! God Bless! -- John and Vicki Wilson Each morning when I check my email I always read emails that involve product issues first. I love to read product stories from people that I have never met. From people who are not associated with my personal business organization because they have no financial incentive to exaggerate or fabricate a story. The only motivation that they have is to share with everyone what they have endured with the hopes that it will help others in various ways. For those of you who have had similar problems it may provide comfort to realize that you are not alone. The story that you are about to read was sent to me today by Deedy Starr. I hope that you learn something from it. -- Michael McCullough, DC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I attended your class tonight and was very impressed. I never started on HRT due to the unknown effects, and I never liked the idea of taking ONE or TWO hormones over all the others. I felt (and still do feel) that the body can overcome some of the effects of a hysterectomy better on its own or with natural substances. I will tell you the medical history in brief: Feb 1996: I had a lot of clotting…went to Dr. because my cycle was wild…2-3 days off, 2-3 days on with clots. Pap Smear came back real bad. Stage 4+ cervical cancer. Admitted to Omaha University Medical Center in late March for tests and pre-surgical consult. Surgery in April. Stayed 9 days. Was supposed to leave in 4-5, but vomited on day of discharge, and my bladder was not in good shape. However, my lymph nodes and liver were blessedly clean. The cancer was very advanced…inside and outside of the uterus and all over the cervix. Surgeon removed a major portion of my vaginal canal, all the uterus and lymph nodes throughout the cavity. He left my ovaries, but…didn’t matter much as you will see later. At this time, I was told I should also take 6 weeks of radiation for “safety”. On the way home from Omaha to our little town of Hastings, Nebraska, we totaled our Cadillac on I-70. I think that may have set me back a little. I also had a catheter in. The drain broke open 2 days later and would NOT heal… for over a week. Awful. Went back to Doctor for catheter removal two weeks later. No bladder action yet, so I used a self-catheter. In July, I finally was able to schedule radiation therapy. Began that the end of July at hometown hospital…Mary Lanning Medical Center. The week I began radiation, I also started taking another high end brand of vitamins. I also took their enzyme drink and drank Aloe Vera juice daily. I had my six weeks of radiation. The Radiologist insisted that I also be admitted locally for therapy with irradiated rods inserted. My surgeon and I both said, “no way”. I had horrible hemorrhoids at this time and really had a rough time with lots of pain (due to some cream the radiologist gave me without telling me not to use it directly before radiation) during radiation. I also had very, very bad pain in my groin…never did know exactly why. I think possibly because the lymph nodes there were dying? However, the nurses kept asking me what I was doing, as my attitude…energy…and my blood work were fabulous. I really didn’t say much except to let them know about my vitamins. Then, the head of the Radiology Department asked me what I was doing. I told him…vitamin supplements. I took Cruciferous, Carotenoids, and Flavanoids, Beta, Gamma, and Delta Carotenes, as well as several other supplements that contain sea kelp, soy, and yeast that are very high-quality. He didn’t believe me, but told me that my hemoglobin, red cells, plasma, etc., etc. were all UP from when I started and my blood was healthier now than before I began the radiation. I gathered that was unheard-of. My bladder actually started working on its own in September. I was really thankful. I realize now how much help God was to me through all this. I was a very lucky and blessed person to live and to still have my health. Anyway, my surgeon told me I should take Premarin and wrote me a prescription. I declined to take it, and he told me I would have hot flashes. I do have them, sometimes, but I was always hot-natured anyway. The only real problem I have had is with waking up at night for bathroom breaks and some night sweats. HOWEVER, since beginning to take Melaleuca's Estraval two weeks ago, I just realized that I don’t wake up anymore! Neat, if you ask me! I haven’t had any hot flashes, either. I really wonder just what else this is good for? I take vitamins religiously, and am now exclusively using Melaleuca's Daily for Life pack with Replenex, NutraView, and Estraval. Our supplements are MUCH less expensive than the others I was using. Thank you for your dedication and for helping others in the TU room. I appreciated this class very much! Please add me to your email list! Thanks again. Have a wonderful evening! -- Deedy Starr One year ago my husbands PSA test went from normal to 4.9. His Urologist informed us that he suspected prostate cancer. My husband opted to wait 6 months before having a biopsy due to other health issues at that time. I immediately started him on the ProstAvan. Six months later his PSA had gone down to 3.5. I told the doctor that he was taking the ProstAvan and his response was that the Saw Palmetto would lower the PSA, so he wanted wait six more months using the 3.5 as a beginning base line, and if it should go up he would do a biopsy at that time. I am very pleased to report that we went to see the Urologist yesterday and his PSA was down to 2.1. Not only are we very pleased but so is the Urologist. Thank You Melaleuca! -- Sandy McMillan FYI - ProstAvan is Melaleuca's #1 Most Consistently ordered product. In other words, more Melaleuca customers re-order ProstAvan every month than any other product. With testimonials like that, is it any wonder? Recently Rita C. called and asked if I would include her on my email group list One question that I like to ask people, when I have the opportunity, is why they are Melaleuca customers and what motivates them. Rita informed me of her husbands experience with Pancreatic Cancer. After listening to this incredible story, Rita agreed to share her husband Bill's story. Rita did a great job writing Bill's story, but I can assure you that listening to Rita tell this story was more powerful. I have never met Rita and she is not in my organization. Thank you Rita. This email and story is pertinent...my wife's brother was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is presently being treated...at this time his treatment does not appear to be too successful. Unfortunately he has not been open to Melaleuca products. -Michael McCullough, DC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. McCullough, Feel free to use any portion of this letter as you see appropriate. This journey was a long one and most of it is important to any readers who are either caregivers or patients. My husband Bill was never sick a day until he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. We were shocked and started researching hospitals and treatments. The best decision we made was to go to Houston, Texas, to the MD Anderson Cancer Center where the diagnosis was confirmed and a 14-hour surgical procedure, Whipple was performed. They also did Interoperataive radiation, which was only being done at two hospitals at that time. I spent 2 weeks in my husband's room and I studied anything and everything the hospital support system gave me. One thing I learned from the Internet was that in spite of the fact that the survival rate for this cancer was less than hopeful; I refused to be drawn into the gloom and doom that you read and hear on the Internet. I also learned that if Bill was to survive, one thing would be critical and that would be nutrition. The chemo regimen consisted of chemo running 24 hours a day for 5 days a week and radiation every day for that same 5 week period. The treatment took a drastic toll on Bill's body, but Melaleuca also went to work. Oh, yes, I should mention that while Bill’s oncologist at our hospital felt vitamins were of no real value, the surgeon was pleased and said, "Whatever you are doing, continue". The Vitality Pak became a staple along with Sustain and later Attain was added to his nutritional support. Even when Bill couldn't eat much food the vitamins and the drinks appeared to make a big difference. I don’t remember if I mentioned to you on the telephone, but I also removed all of the caustic and toxic household chemicals from our home. Whatever I could do to eliminate any possibility of bacteria and toxins coming into contact with Bill, I did, and of course the answer was the Melaleuca products. As I became even more involved with the products Sol-U-Mel in a spray bottle accompanied us to the hospital along with MelaGel, the Gold bar and the T36C5 Melaleuca oil. Bill was able to return to work in 7 months. When Bill passed the 2-year anniversary he developed lymphoma and this required additional radiation to put this into remission. We believe that the vitamins and the nutritional drinks along with Provex CV promoted Bill’s early return to health. To say that the medical team marveled at his recovery is putting it mildly. Today he is 6 1/2 years cancer free, retired and has been able to purchase long-term health care insurance. When anyone asks me what contributed to Bill's successful recovery my answer is always the same--God, the surgeons and the Melaleuca products. We are always happy to share with caregivers and patients when they call because it is our way to help someone else and hope that they can have the same result. As we continue to build our Melaleuca business, our passion to share with others will not diminish. Does everyone listen to us when we tell Bill’s story? Of course not, but that doesn't matter, the important thing is that we continue to share and help those who do listen. -- Rita C. From Philena Da Best Melaleuca Representative Ever!! http://www.chooseyourhorizons.com http://www.rushofficesupplies.com/nontoxic.html http://blackworkathomemoms.com

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3:52pm, Dec 09 2006
good luck in readin all of this people! on behalf of me i support cancer victims morally coz i am broke! and no job!
Casanova Send Instant Message





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