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9:53pm, Dec 16th 2006
Blog viewed 786 times

I need to let some steam off!! I have been best friends with this girl named Kaitlyn for ten years!! Today when I was Christmas shopping I ran into her with her firdt boyfriend and his sister. I approached them and said hello she came back and said, "Oh hi Haley" and introduced me to her girl friend but not as just a friend but these were her words and I am pretty pissed about it, "This is my new best friend Amanda." I couldnt believe she would say something like that!!! After being best friends for ten years and then she gets her first bf and his sister becomes her new best friend. She made me look like a total dork. I dont know what to do about her. We would go to the movies every Friday night for the last two years and now every time I call her she doesnt want to go. I need your advice about this girl!! I dont know what to do and am like at the point of balling my eyes out!!!

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9:09am, Dec 17 2006
ignore her ! she will know later what a good friend u r and call u aain ! if not ! she doesn'r deserve to be ur best friend! so u will be ignoring her for good!
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