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sexual fact
5:40am, Dec 25th 2006
Blog viewed 778 times

Our sexual responses often seem mysterious even to ourselves.
Do we feel that our 'sex-drives' possess us rather than we possessing them?
This cyber-sermon outlines a new hypothesis
which might be one step toward a comprehensive theory of human sexuality.
Older theories have tried to explain our sexual responses
either in terms of our biological heritage—animal sexuality—
or in terms of social learning—the way we develop most behaviors.

     But the sex-script hypothesis presents a third possible explanation:
Our internal sexual responses might have been imprinted into us at an early age.
During certain critical periods in our psycho-sexual development,
particular images, stories, & sexual responses—our "sex-scripts"—
were imprinted in our brains more or less at random.
And these sexual fantasies remain in us for the rest of our lives.

     A basic analogy that might help us understand sexual imprinting
is the phenomenon of
acquiring a native language
When we were infants, we quickly and permanently acquired our first language.
It seems that our 'language-file' is open for such imprinting
only during the first few months of life.

     We do not know just when the human 'sex-file' is open for imprinting,
but we might be able to identify specific events
which have a remarkably-permanent impact on our sexual responses.
Much more research is needed to explore the possible connection between
adult sexual responses and sexually-imprinting events in childhood.





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