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Instant Macaroni-n-Cheese
12:55pm, Feb 13th 2007
Blog viewed 841 times

I never make one of these anymore but today I just heard something that made me sick to my stomach....I haven't felt this way in almost 2 years..... My much younger sister in law(she will be 19 in April) has decided to buy an SUV with her live in b/f and baby's father. They have just recently had to have my father in law pay their gas bill of 20 DOLLARS because they couldn't afford it and yet they think paying 350 dollars a month for a used vehicle is in their budget....they are both PART time employees at Wal-Mart....paying for an apartment that is under HIS mother's name(essentially breaking all kinds of lease laws) they are on assistance from the government and STILL paying bills late.... My brother....who lives completely free with my parents....has a FULL TIME position with a company and just recently purchased a vehicle that cost him 330 a month and he overdrafted his account because of it....fortunately he has my mother to get him back up and running and it isn't as if he is going to lose the roof over his head or his main sorce of heat or water if he misses a payment.... I am worried about my 7 month old nephew in all of this....this is going to be the vehicle that drives him around....if it gets repo'd....my sister in law will lose her job and then she will become even MORE my problem, as it is your's and my tax dollars that are assisting her at the moment....when she loses her job we will be paying for her and her child ENTIRELY..... YOUNG PEOPLE OF THE WORLD....Life is not instant macaroni and cheese...you do have to put in to get out...and you can't have everything you want the minute you want it.....





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