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4:45am, Feb 21st 2007
Blog viewed 1133 times

Hi,i'm not good for that and my english and same,but i need help. So i'm not have work,and i'm tired,for everything,and i not have nothing to do,i'm stay and house all day at days,my daughter in trouble so much and i dont know what i do for her,i wait for answer to school and nothing yet,and people english talking wid me sometimes i'm not understand(is better write i understand more).And have woman not like me and she want i have problems wid my boyfriend, and she doing anything for that,and this make me crazy and stress.So people please tell me what i do for she,and for everthing.Thanks. :cry: :huh: :shocked:

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10:11pm, Feb 21 2007
Hi Monica......I agree with "freees"....Don't let this other woman get under your skin.....You focus on your relationship with Paul....I know for a fact that he loves you.....Karmen, Freees and myself went through this thing with Paul before you ever came back to him and he was in love with you before you ever came back to him....Your can brush up on your english as freees said...but hey don't worry, I understand what you are saying when you type.....and I hope you soon find a job....take care my friend...
ladyluck62 Send Instant Message
5:06pm, Feb 21 2007
Monica, first of all your english is perfect. your true friends here understand every word you say as Tammy said.. second, a job you should not worry since you are young and can work for the rest of your life.. just enjoy your time with you kids and dont stress... regarding your daugher that I suggest you should take control of the situation and just talk to her one on one and she is young you can mold her the way you like her to be. you have the power.. but in regards to this female you are talking about I say IGNORE her.. the more you ignore and be more confident of who you are to Paul then the female will not be able to come between you and the one you love. hope I made sense..
karmen Send Instant Message
6:21am, Feb 21 2007
hey sweetie well u just have to practice ur english more! and read more english magazines or books! well as for the woman just ignor her and do ur best to make thins work with paul! just sit with him and talk about all ur troubles i know that he loves u! so u won't have trouble with him! the best thing is to stay honest with paul and talk all u can! conversations are very good for relation ships ! if two partners dont have conversations or don't talk about their problems their relationship will suffer!
Casanova Send Instant Message





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