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This Day Sucks
3:54pm, Mar 8th 2007
Blog viewed 719 times

Hey Hotties! To all my good buddies on the coolest website online! How Are you all? You all are the absolute bomb of my life. Totally awesome people! My life sucks though! I am hoping at the end of every dark tunnel there is a light right now everything seems to be going wrong for me! I got in another bad car accident right when I was geting ready to sell my gas guzler of a car (expedition it costs $85.00 to fill up!) A lady hit it now there is a bad dent. I got locked out of my office this morning. Working with all gys they like to play tricks on the only girl! HaHA! I dont blame them though because I fall for everything in a weird way and get so many laughs out of people. Hey though if you have anything good that I could do to get the guys I work with back let me know! I need some good Tricks! Much Love to you all!





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