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Reach For Your Goals!
9:30pm, Mar 28th 2007
Blog viewed 794 times

I got promoted today to administrator and account for the business that I work with! They gave me office manager work! I love it! I never have thought I would get something like that! I am not that good with it! My boss think that I am doing awesome they love my work promoted me and gave me a raise! It could not get better then that! My advice to everyone out there! If you want something in life or a certain job in life do not let someone tell you, that you are not good enough! You are go for it! You will be so much happier! Because one you are believing in yourself that you can do it and another is actually get the oppurtunity of fullfilling that dream!

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Comments - [Add Comment]
3:03pm, Mar 29 2007
that's right don't ever give up on your dreams pursue it excellence is the key congrats haley
markyhotbod Send Instant Message
4:05am, Mar 29 2007
Congratulation and thanx for the suggession.
RAJSAI003 Send Instant Message
1:24am, Mar 29 2007
good for you i happy for that.
crazygirl Send Instant Message





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