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General Rules of Warfare
Favorite song: No Rain
2:31pm, Apr 3rd 2007
Blog viewed 382 times

1. There are no "games". Friendship, love, war, and society in general are systems of relationships governed by rules set forth by The Grand Whatever. To emphasize that these things are indeed CRUCIAL, we shan't trivialize them by classifying them amongst games. We shall catalogue them under Life instead, whereby abolishing The Game of Life. 2. Oscar Wilde says your humour is trite and uninteresting. 3. It is not my job to be trite and uninteresting. 4. Expect surrealism. 5. Surrealism expects you! 6. When in doubt, consult The Oracle of Odd Diversions. 7. No one knows who or what The Oracle is, so in reality you are on your own. Remember: Improvisation is most of the battle. 8. We are the unstoppable bibles. Let this fact be known. 9. This list is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease... it is a food supplement approved by EFGN - Effecting Future Generations Negatively.

Comments - [Add Comment]
10:15pm, Apr 03 2007
so many rules .......... break them
RAJSAI003 Send Instant Message
4:16pm, Apr 03 2007
god rules go to hell!
Casanova Send Instant Message





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