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romance and women
Favorite song: Lost without You
12:02pm, Apr 6th 2007
Blog viewed 604 times

I think that I am a hopeless romantic. Lol I think a lot of us are. Isnt it sad how we give in to the media all the time with theyre wonderful movies, music, and magazine stories. its amazing how much we fall for(Myself especially!). What is it about us that makes us fall in love with the leading man? Why is he the only guy who knows what to do to get the girl and keep her? Where is this guy in real life I want to meet him (yeah me and about 98% all other strait women in the world). Where are our Romeos ( Romeo and Juliett), our Mr. Darcys (from pride and prejudice), our jonathans(from serendipity), our Clark (Superman), our Mr. Edward Farrass (from sense and sensibility), our Shakespearean lover, and our Casanovas (Casanova). I mean come on does any man take us seriously. How can the men on this earth have such a bleek out look on love? I think that deep down inside that when a man truly falls in love he wants to be married to that woman and love her forever. (but when does that ever happen?!) Lol - I think that we are all hoping for something that will never come to pass. EVER! Like our mothers always say its just a movie! P.S. i am sorry, to those, men that are our Casanovas, obviously you are a mere few to the millions of men in the world who know no such feeling of the word Casanova. Casanova where ever you are i am waiting for you... laura

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12:34pm, Apr 06 2007
i got my someone i had been looking for..........u can say a soulmate..........well the wait is on.........if u meet someone of ur life just dont miss a single mo
RAJSAI003 Send Instant Message





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