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My lil' Man
5:58am, Apr 20th 2007
Blog viewed 806 times

Yesterday, 04/19/07 around noon, my lil' man died. He was only 6 months old and he suficated in his sleep. I just want him to know he is very loved and he is missed very much.. He was the only one that could really make me smile. He made everything better, put me in a better mood. And over everything going on, him leaving us is the worst thing that could ever happen.. This really makes you relalize that all of the little things, like things that happen at school, drama with your friends... none of it matters comparied to this..... R.I.P Landon David Hill. We all miss you very much!!!!

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9:41pm, Apr 20 2007
When you leave a baby alone on a bed and you go to sleep and not keep an eye on it, you're asking for stuff to go wrong. I'm glad none of you were the mother of my kid.
Talamascaa Send Instant Message
11:00am, Apr 20 2007
Children are not dolls. you have to follow guidelines when taking care of them. I suggest you really grow up before trying this again.
Talamascaa Send Instant Message
5:59am, Apr 20 2007
he was...he made me smile even wen he cried! i love and miss him very much
lovenikki_08 Send Instant Message





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