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nothing specific
Favorite song: Blueberry Yum-Yum
12:24pm, May 9th 2007
Blog viewed 636 times

my other blogs were pretty bad but i think this one will be about the positive things in my life 1. My man..he is so sweet to me..i love you! 2. having family that was willing to let me move in with them when i had no where else to go. 3. Even though i am always complaining about my sister i still love her so much and now i can stop worrying b/c she is now living back with my mama. 4. Meeting my real dad after my step=dad left and took my little sister. The best part about meeting him is that he actually likes doing stuff with me. i've known him for about 3 years now. even though i'm still not sure wht to do or say around him i think im beginning to love him.(in a father-daughter kind-of way)

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9:52pm, May 09 2007
I like that change in you dear......... ........Take Care Always
RAJSAI003 Send Instant Message
12:45pm, May 09 2007
good im happy for that so i just say my friend good luck and your life
crazygirl Send Instant Message





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