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a poem of mine
9:02pm, Jun 2nd 2007
Blog viewed 685 times

ok i wrote this for my friend and i would like to know what everyone thinks about it (dont hold back i can handel it.) Believe me i know how you feel but honestly i dont even know how to deal i'm writing this to let you know that your not alone i cant write poems unless im on the phone well i got put on probation with you that day i dont know why we even went that way you konw back to the cops and my dad we should have ran at the chance we had but we didnt and it makes me feel like such a kid because of the stupid things we did i know er both feel the same way we still love them even to this day we have tried to move on with our lives but i havent found a way not even with the knives razor blade cuts my skin down deep i dont know what memories to and not to keep.. i know its not the best but you know

Comments - [Add Comment]
9:41pm, Jun 03 2007
ur good
micks Send Instant Message
12:11pm, Jun 03 2007
very heart felt
fantasia49 Send Instant Message
2:29am, Jun 03 2007
hi so and i say and same i like it and is very good
crazygirl Send Instant Message





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