I've been working for Microsoft for a while now, and to be honest, it's incredibly stressful.. The commute alone is enough for me to look for another job.. it's way outside of the city..I think they're saving on overheads.. they have a big fancy building with custom technology and innovations...
Sure, I get the chance to go online and fool around sometimes, and I get paid extremely well for my age.. but if I didn't I think I would snap. I'm considering finding another job now.. I am under-appreciated where I am now.. and not being able to use my ipod really stinks, lol.
I know it's the "dream job" for most people in my field..so I guess I won't take any rash measures for a while..
Maybe I'll have a different perspective after I've taken my much-needed vacation in about 12 days... haven't been on one in like 2 years now.
South California, here I come