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For my friends
3:03pm, Sep 15th 2007
Blog viewed 1258 times


I thought it would b easier to let everyone know this way than to try and send everyone individual emails.  Most of you already know that i had been having problems with my leg and that I have had several surgeries. (stents, bypass,ect)  on August 10 a complete blockage occurred and before I could be flown by medivac to the trauma center a new problem happened, called compartment syndrome caused by the reopening of the arteries to fast after the infrat ocurred. 

I lost all the muscle in the  anterior portion of my left leg. now they are teaching me ho to rewalk and thearpy to close this big hole in the leg using negative pressure dressings and a pump. So after a long stay in the hospital and rehab. I made it home 2 weeks ago and last week after a nasty fall  and another stay  I am home again.   I want to thank each and every one of you that sent me emails, during this time.

I love you


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5:25pm, Sep 17 2007
Hey Linda...Glad to know things are better with you......I have missed you and our chats.....take care of yourself and know that you are still ion my prayers.......
ladyluck62 Send Instant Message
10:32pm, Sep 16 2007
sorry for that linda but cool you ok again and you realy a strong woman... i will keep u in my prayers... i hope see u soon and chat with u...love you
crazygirl Send Instant Message
9:27pm, Sep 15 2007
oh Linda u r a warrior.......keep up u strong one....do take care.......i will keep u in my prayers for sure.......cya .......
RAJSAI003 Send Instant Message
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