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How? Why?
6:39pm, Jan 22nd 2008
Blog viewed 994 times

Why is it that I can never have a normal relationship? I actually find myself a good decent and caring guy and his dad (whom i've never met) hates me. He completly banned him from seeing me. How? Why? I'm so angry right now. Can't his father see how much we love eachother. Maybe well runaway. No bad idea id get put in jail and i really dont need that added to my plate. I loose my Best freinds and my Boyfreind all in one day.

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1:52am, Jan 23 2008
well i made my gf forget about her best friend and stopped her from seeing her and then we fell out and she said that she didnt want to loose her bf and her best mate in one day so i jus said to her its me or her and she chose me!!1 you should choose your man over your best friend anyday of the week because if you really love him youll do anything for him thats the best thing you can do for your fella!
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