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2:43am, Jan 23rd 2008
Blog viewed 798 times

There are changes in our lives that we have never thought would be possible. Things can change in just a blink of an eye. Come to think of it no one really knows what to expect in their lives. People come and go. Faces come rushing in and out of our visions without really knowing the purpose. For these past years, I had my share of making wrong decisions and faced its consequences head on. Trust is so easy to come by but rebuilding it is more effort. Once a bridge is burned down, it's hard to reconstruct the same bridge without building the same foundations from the other side. Learning from experience is a cliche. But that's LIFE. A continuous flood of experiences and decision makings. We always find ourselves in crossroads where we cannot go back and make a detour. But what I've learned from all my experiences are all founded by the values I've learned from home. I cannot say that I am perfect with decision making nowadays but one thing I do when I'm confronted to make a decision is to think it over the way "I" would think. I go back to the place where I can really be myself and think. There may be influences around but in the end it will be the me and the values I was raised with. :kiss:





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