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My friend died!
12:13pm, Feb 3rd 2008
Blog viewed 1271 times

Hey you all!!!!! Can you keep one of my friends in your prayers or thoughts. I went to school with this young gentlemen. He was killed though in a really bad car accident last week. A car turned right out in front of him and just smashed the driver side, throwing him from the car. One of my friends who is a cop got called to the scene of the accident and watched him die before the ambulance could get there. I encourage you all to wear your seat belts when you are driving or in the car. They officer said if he would have had his seatbelt on he would not have gotten thrown from the car. Which then would have saved his life!!!!! His family is in some terrible pain. There were only two boys in their family. One of them was also killed by a drunk driver and now almost the same happened to his older brother. I ask you to keep my friend and his parents in your prayers and thoughts. His parents are absolutely devistated.

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9:02am, Feb 04 2008
So sorry to hear that.. i will say a prayer for them all..
Michelle Send Instant Message
5:25am, Feb 04 2008
ants Send Instant Message





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