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About dress codes
11:40am, Mar 24th 2008
Blog viewed 1213 times

I think it would be nice if style went back to 1950's in some ways.

There's no real separation between male and female anymore and there are a lot of women who do not come across as "lady-like" in the least.  Then they wonder why men don't treat them as ladies.... Clothing can really determine the way a person behaves.  I'm an actor, and you'd be surprised the character that your clothing can inspire. 
If women dressed a little more feminine, I believe they'd start behaving that way, and men would be more respectful of them.  

Just one man's opinion.

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Comments - [Add Comment]
3:51pm, Mar 25 2008
hm... quite deep reflection there... I tend to agree... i may not like that people are superficial, but they do judge a book by its cover... it just is that way...
adam Send Instant Message
2:03pm, Mar 24 2008
"just one man's opinion" ... so what's your opinion? *ba dum ching*
vote4change Send Instant Message





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