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Satellite for Olympic
2:34am, May 27th 2008
Blog viewed 1286 times


CHINA launched a weather satellite on Tuesday designed to improve the accuracy of forecasts during the Beijing Olympic Games this August, state press said.

The Fengyun-3 was launched from the Taiyuan satellite launching centre in northern China's Shanxi province at 11.02am (11.02am Singapore time), Xinhua news agency said.

The new model will combine with the existing Fengyun-2 satellite to provide precise weather forecasts for the Beijing Games, the report said, citing the China Meteorological Administration.

It is expected to provide medium-range weather forecasts of between 10 and 15 days, it added.

China will launch a record number of spacecraft this year, with at least 10 missions planned including only its third-ever manned space flight, scheduled for late September or early October, according to previous state media reports.

The Shenzhou VII will be manned by three 'taikonauts' or astronauts and will include China's first spacewalk.





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