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5:58pm, Jan 28th 2006
Blog viewed 1233 times


So........I am struggling, struggling, struggling with a big decision.  My audition to DU's very prestigious opera performance program is next Saturday.  I've been told that I'm a shoe in.  The school costs $30,000/yr.  I LOVE singing.......especially opera and I am damn good at it........one of the few things that I am really proud of. 

My dillema is that I also love veterinary medicine and have always wanted to be a vet.  People tell me I'm crazy to pass up this chance at DU and that I might get a full ride scholarship........and I would love it.  But what are the realistic career possibilities?  I could be one of the lucky ones....but as a vet I could definitely guarantee a career that I would love.

GAH!  Why does life have to be so hard?  Follow my dream?  Give in to something I'm passionate about?  WHAT????!!!



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12:00am, Jan 29 2006
or write an aria about a young woman who saves stray dogs from parvo.
Sold-Mah-Sol Send Instant Message





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