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4:24pm, Feb 6th 2006
Blog viewed 967 times


On Friday, we had to go to a Hail and Farewell. That is a military get together thing(bf is in the army). They had the hail and farewell at a hockey game here in Fayetteville. I never thought hockey was that interesting. I loved watching the game, especially the fights lol. Now I love going to the Fayetteville Fireantz games.

On Saturday, we woke up around noon. I got up and started cleaning. After I finished cleaning, I took a shower, and then called my friend. We went and picked my friend up and then went to McDonalds. After we ate, we went straight to the hockey game. Now I'm addicted to going to hockey games, haha. We watched the game and waited around for them to come out, and sign peoples shirts and stuff. They took too long so we left because it was getting late. Then we went back home and changed clothes. We were going to a club, but it was freakin packed, so we kept on driving. Then we came home and my friend invited this dude over that she liked. Needless to say we ended up staying up til 5 a.m. on sunday morning.

Sunday was a relaxing day for the most part. We took my friend home and then came back and relaxed for a while. Then we started watching the Superbowl. We decided we was hungry so we went to Outback and ate. Came back home and watched the rest of the Superbowl and relaxed for the rest of the day.






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