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F*ckin Special.
10:44am, Feb 9th 2006
Blog viewed 1050 times

So I went to McDonalds this morning for breakfest. I ordered the usual, the number three, which consist of... 2 egg, sausage, and cheese McMuffins and a drink. Well I don't like the round egg that comes on it. So I told them that I would like the folded instead. Well they got the order right before, so I thought they would have gotten it right again this time. I got home and opened them up and what do I see. Two Egg, egg, and cheese McMuffins. NO SAUSAGE. The sausage was the one thing that I wanted the most. I guess next time I'll open them up before I drive off. So I had an egg, and cheese McMuffin this morning and now I'm not happy. You have to be really f*ckin special to work at McDonalds. I tell ya. UGH *drinks the rest of my orange juice*

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Comments - [Add Comment]
10:31am, Dec 07 2008
don't u hate that will they eva get it rite all they have to do is look at the screen
al_boogie Send Instant Message
10:47am, Feb 09 2006
how devastating. the world feels your pain
Sold-Mah-Sol Send Instant Message





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