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what i did this week
6:04pm, Mar 2nd 2006
Blog viewed 1054 times


i have never really made a serious blog/thing so heres my first.


Woke up 7.30 am ...

Decided not to do anything important today.Went scrambling until 11.00 am wanted to go and meet my dad at 12.30 but got a call from claudia telling me that i had arranged to meet someone at 1 pm , i rearranged it till 2 and went swimming instead.

Met the person at 2 he was pissed at that lol, wish i hadnt.. bored me senseless and tried to talk me out of something i want to do.Did not succeed....

Finally met up with my dad, (i love to be around my father)he wants me to talk to a young cousin of mine and see about starting him off with something industrious,he wants him to come stay with me for a little while,learn the ropes etc.

I said i will think about it?

Went to the club,signed some papers,went home ,played counterstrike on line, logged on here. end of..

things are boring during the week

fri,sat,sun now thats different.

i've decided to start writing these things and i can tell you by tomorrow i will have changed my mind and thought fuck it no i wont !!!

end of blog






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