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Being without cash?
Favorite song: Breath me
6:56am, May 10th 2006
Blog viewed 774 times

In fairness this is going to be possibly the worst day i have evr had. Being ill at work with people screaming at me isnt really what i like doing with my days. Im so bored with this job, But theres really now where else to go???? How depressing. Apart from that its a beautiful day outside and im stuck in this shit hole.... how exciting. And while my boyfriend is still asleep in my bed, i have been working my ass off since 8 this morning listining to people moan about how they cant afford to make the payments on there account because they have been on holiday!!! My god this is not my problem its yours pay your dam bills before you go away!!!!!!! God im so sick of sob storys. And im sick of not being able to shout back at people... although i do sometimes if they overstep the line line the pric i had on the phone this morning. I wish i had a good job that paid well and kept me a float instead of being skint all the time. But i dont think this is possible with the grades i got!! Im miserable :(





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