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today at work
Favorite song: Throw me away:KoRn
6:03pm, May 16th 2006
Blog viewed 1040 times

well as you may remember i work at the international airport in my city... but this day will not be as expected im being put in the bag room today instead of the work as a ramp agent, and if you cant tell by now i am very pissed and i dont think that mood will change today but i have no other choice but to deal with it and go home. other than that i have nothing else going on except my aunt passed last week up in new york and my parents have gone up there and a few of my cousins but im staying home with the dog at my house.... so long readers i will post something else later(K-16)

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6:55pm, May 16 2006
Think seriously before deciding if we want you to do that again.
jamx Send Instant Message





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