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hazel and brown eye color
Favorite song: True Colors
12:12am, Aug 3rd 2006
Blog viewed 423 times

Brown eyes- Sexy as hell people with brown eyes are vary attractive, adorable, and love to make new friends, will do anything for that special person. Kind and polite and can make anyone laugh or cheer them up. Best in bed can last for days… way better than hazel eyed people. Loves to please the one they care or love for. Very good kissers are straight up WARRIORS, not one to fuck with. Hazel eyes- People with hazel eyes are GORGEOUS and SEXY and go out all the time. They have the most unusual relationships. They’re awesome at diversity and trying new things and very rarely will say no to any challenge. They are also best in bed and love to play games. They are vary out going and sexy as hell and they are not nice when they are mad.





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