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Profile for cosmogirl
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Feb 23, 2008

Real name: Susie

- United States
State/Province: KS

Status: Single
Sex: Female
Age: 50
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
I'm a cosmetologist and I have 2 children and 1 Grandson..

Turn ons:
Romantic nights the beach and listening to the ocean.. Men who old fashion in their ways... Nice eyes.. who are kind and gentle.

Turn offs:
Mean People, two faced people, busy bodies.. People who are full of themselves..

Hairstyling of course, cake decorating, watching my Grandson.. sitting on the beach drinking a margarita.. I like to camp, and canoing...

I admire:
I admire my Father the most, he has been threw a lot and still raise my sisters and I.. we weren't always easy on him.. but he worked hard and provided for us, he what every man should be.

Favorite movies:
The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Message in a Bottle, Sleepless in Seattle, Some westerns

Favorite TV shows:
Two and a half men, Ugly Betty, Grey's Private Practice..CSI

Best feature:
My Heart.. it's a good heart and then my eyes

Just my ears, not brave enough to puncture anything else

Yes I have 3.. A angel with horns.. A unicorn, and Tink

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