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Profile for k-kiss1
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Sep 29, 2007

Real name: krystle

- United States
State/Province: california

Status: Undecided
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
i am horny as a dog with a horse. jk. i'm a little crazy. ohk a lot but i'm funny crazy. i love life and live with little regrets. i'll write more later

Turn ons:
my turn ons are quiet boys, but still out there. i like bitting. just thought i put that in there. i like a guy who can kiss kiss bang bang. i like a funny guy. i like a guy who can keep me on my toes. it would be a plus if u can dance and sing.

Turn offs:
a smoker but i can kinda live with that just dont kiss me after u smoke or chew gum. bad hair, and teeth. and being way to in my face. that is a turn off big time.

i like to sing, write music, watch sci-fi, play frizbee. just to let u know i am on the ultimate frizbee team. i read alot and dance. i pretty much an all around gurl. oh yeah almost forgot partying.

I admire:
i really admire chester cheetos, and pedro. jk. i love my mom. she has taught me so much on being who i am and not changing for n e one, and loving me . thanks moma.

Favorite movies:
stargate SG-1, all the fridays, pootie tang,armegeton, alot of war movies, and comidies. some drama, and a whole lot of horror.hell raiser

Favorite TV shows:
i really dont watch t.v that much except for the sci-fi channel. so n e thing u find on sci-fi

Best feature:
my smile. i have 2 dimples and ppl think thats cute. i love my lots of personality. i likemy overall vibe. ppl get along with me cuase i'm fun. i rarely get angry

no piercings. yet!

no tatoos. yet!

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Average vote: 6.67       Total votes: 27

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