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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Oct 26, 2008

Real name: Joey Cabrera

- United States
State/Province: CA

Status: Single
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
Big teddy bear. Chill personality, im pretty much go with the flow kind of guy. But i do know when to be serious. Im someone who people can talk to just about anything cause im a good listener and i can give good advice. I write from poems to short stories. I do have goals, hopefully one day become a physical therapist or an athletic trainer. if you want to know more just hit me up.

Turn ons:
tattoos, relaxed personality, intellengence, indenpendent, peircings, eyes, curly/wavy hair, can cook.

Turn offs:
attitude, disrespectful,

Baseball, coaching, teaching, video games (occasionaly), writing, drawing tattoos

I admire:
hmmm...i think i would say my grandpa (r.i.p) because he was a really gentle person. He could be a hard ass when he wanted but all in all he was a great person. He inspired me to become who i am today. I learned many of the life lessons that i use in everyday life. So i would have to say him.

Favorite movies:
Pineapple Express, Superbad, Super Troopers, Blackhawk Down, Batman:Dark Knight

Favorite TV shows:
South Park, Sons of Anarchy, Foodnetwork

Best feature:
Im a teddy bear...lol

Used to

2...one of my left shoulder of a dragon, and one on my spine (gabriel, my saint name, in symbols)

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